A Very Extraordinarily Remarkable Youngling

That’s my daily Star Wars reference. 😀 The longer I’m around my husband the more nerd references I make. But that’s what the little babe is; a youngling. Just this morning she was running around the house wrapped in her favorite hooded towel. It’s a brown puppy and makes her closely resemble a Jedi.

Anyway. This is a formal introduction for the little bug who stole our hearts. The pictures below are from the day after she was born and her 1st birthday, which arrived WAAAYYY too quickly.

Untitled Untitled

Her name is the title acrostic. She’s an absolute joy and our family has so much fun. In a couple weeks she’ll be 15 months and is a HANDFUL. Her favorite words are cookie, nana (for her favorite food) and puppy. Every time she sees a dog on TV or in books she gets really excited and shouts “puppy, puppy” in a high pitched squeal. The Humane Society ads really get her going. It’s super adorable.

If there’s ever a lull in my posts it’s because I’m chasing her around, picking up after her tornado, or indulging in family naptime; but mostly it’s the first two. Her obsession with power buttons makes it difficult to use a computer (or anything!) while she’s awake. As a leading role in most of our family shenanigans she will be featured in more stories. We have many to share!


Until next time. 🙂

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