The Thankful List: 2013 Edition

Be thankful for the little

Day 1: I’m thankful it’s Friday! No explanation needed 🙂
Day 2: I’m thankful for the beautiful fall weather! I need to enjoy it today because it’s supposed to snow in a couple days 😦
Day 3: I’m thankful for dog parks when I’m feeling lazy and don’t want to walk 3 miles!
Day 4: I’m thankful for our Monday night church group.
Day 5: I’m thankful for chicken noodle soup.
Day 6: I’m thankful for the chips & salsa leftover from my co-workers eating out this evening. Yum!
Day 7: I’m thankful for my husband making dinner tonight so I could exercise before work.
Day 8: I’m thankful for Starbucks to keep me up all night.
Day 9: And on the opposite side I’m thankful for lazy days so I can take a long, well deserved nap!
Day 10: I’m thankful for hockey. Go Avs!
Day 11: I’m thankful the Broncos won on Sunday (even though I’m not a fan…Go Packers!) because every time they win King Soopers gives away a free doughnut to each person in the store. We now do all our shopping Monday mornings just so we can get our free treat! Oh and I’m thankful to all the veterans who serve our nation!!
Day 12: I’m thankful for my coupons saving me $18 at the grocery store!
Day 13: I’m thankful for Almond Snickers. Delicious!
Day 14: I’m thankful for puzzles. I forgot how fun they are to put together!
Day 15: I’m thankful for sick leave. I’ve come down with the sickness going around and will be home in bed for a few days. 😦
Day 16: I’m thankful for Nyquil…and saltines…and Gatorade. Anything sick related.
Day 17: I’m thankful for my parents who are always there to answer my silly questions and then listen to me ramble.
Day 18: I’m thankful for Doctor Who. One of the greatest shows ever.
Day 19: I’m thankful to be back on my feet again after spending the weekend sick. The 3 days of sleep was wonderful though!
Day 20: I’m thankful for ugly popcorn tins with delicious popcorn inside!
Day 21: Even though it took me an extra hour and 15 minutes I’m thankful I made it home safely through the snow.
Day 22: I’m thankful I finally remembered to put my image on here!
Day 23: I’m thankful for brunch! And the cinnamon rolls at Silver Grill Cafe, yum!
Day 24: I’m thankful for our church having Sunday night service…I don’t have to feel guilty about sleeping until noon!
Day 25: I’m thankful “The Day of the Doctor” is being played in theaters in America! Been waiting months to see this!!
Day 26: I’m thankful for my Entertainment Weekly magazine. I love celebrity gossip/news 😉
Day 27: I’m thankful for my job. I might have to work the holidays this year but I’m glad that I have a job when so many others don’t.
Day 28:  I’m thankful for my family and friends who make the holidays a happy time!
Day 29: I’m thankful my husband found his lost wallet. Huge sigh of relief…that would have been an enormous pain!
Day 30: I’m thankful for the start of the Christmas season. Here’s to my favorite time of year!

Oh How I Love November

And I really do! The months of fall are my favorite and each month has a holiday deserving of celebration. 🙂

I hope everyone enjoyed Zu’s Halloween Challenge. We certainly had a blast sharing it with you! Now that Halloween season is over (*sheds tear*) we’ve ditched the festive theme and are going with a more sophisticated look. I haven’t finished customizing it yet so you might see more changes over the month.

Every year, like most people, I list the things I’m thankful for. I usually post what I’m thankful for on that particular day as opposed to the overall things I’m thankful for. For example I was sick last year in November so I was thankful for Kleenex and cough drops.

With the exception of Black & White Sunday and updating the Thankful List I’m going to be absent this weekend. After 31 days of blogging I need a little break. There are no big things happening in November so I might take the time to come up with a Christmas blog challenge. Again, if anyone is interested let me know or has ideas to add to a daily challenge send them my way!

Before I go I would like to bestow our thanks to Jessica & Taylor at Life Embarked for participating with us. To show our appreciation I’m giving them our Thanks Badge!

Zu's Halloween Challenge thanks

Have a safe & fun weekend! Until the next time we meet!